What is Zoom Poker?
Zoom Poker is Pokerstars' variant of Rush Poker which was offered on Full Tilt Poker two years ago. The concept is the identical however the game play and software runs much smoother.
In Zoom Poker, rather than play on a single table against the same opponents at a regular cash game. You play against a pool of players. When you begin playing Zoom Poker, you are given the option to fold your hand immediately before it is your turn to act (unless you are the big blind). Once you fold a hand or the hand has finished, you are immediately put onto a new table with new players and dealt a new hand. When you fold your hand before it is your turn to act, the other players will not know this until the action gets to you.
Zoom Poker plays much faster to regular cash games as the fast fold option allows you to see more hands per hour. In fact, playing Zoom Poker should allow you to play nearly 4 times as many hands as you would on a regular table.
Why Play Zoom Poker?
There are many reasons why you should play Zoom Poker. The following are the benefits of playing Zoom Poker:
- The number one argument is Volume! In Zoom Poker you can easily play over a thousand hands per hour. Assuming that you are a winning player, playing more hands with a solid win rate will earn you more profit. Being able to play more hands in less time means you are increasing your hourly $ win rate significantly. Playing the maximum of 4 tables allows you to play the equivalent of 16 tables at a time.
- Pokerstars has a great VIP reward system with cash prizes, tournament tickets and much more. The more you play, the more bonuses you get. Playing Zoom Poker will allow you to earn player points quicker and rank up in the VIP ladder faster. The higher you rank, the greater the rewards.
- It's fun! This argument goes both ways. It is a very exciting form of poker and the rush you get from playing it is incomparable to other forms of poker. This makes Zoom Poker quite addictive. The players you will be playing will be thrill seekers, looking to play for the rush of making quick decisions rather than to make money. They are basically giving away their money.
- You don't have to table select. Frequently the most time and profit consuming part of playing multiple tables is selecting the right tables to play. When you are sitting at a regular cash game online, you are looking for tables with a lot of bad players (fish) and avoiding tables with tough regulars. In Zoom Poker, table selection is not an option and all this is avoided as regulars and fish are put into the same pool of players. The only choice you have when it comes to table selection in Zoom Poker is whether to play or not. You can examine the composition of the player pool to decide whether there are more regulars or fish in the game but I will elaborate more on this in a later post.
- Zoom Poker is great for short sessions where you only have a few mins to half an hour of free time. Although the sessions are short, the number of hands you can play in that time is very high in comparison to regular tables.