What are Hotkeys and how can they help?
Hotkeys are shortcuts where we can set certain keys to carry out certain actions. If you are multitabling Zoom Poker, things can get rather hectic with action at every table. There is a limited amount of time for you to act before your time bank is activated. We want to use that time to think rather than to fumble around with the mouse trying to aim for specific buttons. By using Hot Keys we can reduce the time we need to execute a decision. By reducing the amount of time to make our decisions (e.g. folding preflop), we can play even more hands.
In order to set up Hotkeys we first have to go to the PokerStars Lobby. We select the 'Options' tab and then proceed to click 'Hotkey Settings (Beta)...'. This looks like this.
After we click 'Hotkey Settings (Beta)...' we should see a screen that looks like this.
The Settings will allow you to pick a certain action and assign a hotkey to that action. For example, the Fold action was assigned to 'F', Check was assigned to 'C' and Raise was assigned to 'R' etc. You can assign whatever you feel is most ergonomic and efficient. For the most part, you only want to use a few Hotkeys. You only want Hotkeys that can be used frequently for what you consider standard. It would be a waste of time to set a hotkey for something rare like setting a raise size of 27big blinds in case you need to 4bet as the size of the 4bet will depend on a lot of different factors and 4betting isn't something we do frequently enough to warrant the need for a hotkey. When you get to non standard plays, you want to alter your raise sizes with the scroll wheel or just type in the amount.
Depending on how tight or loose you play, your preflop raise size may differ. For the most part, 3x big blind is a standard open. If you are playing very loose, you can set the preflop raise size to be 2.5x. You can always select 3x big blind and adjust the bet size with the scroll wheel of your mouse. If you want to minraise, you can just press whatever you set for raise.
You may have noticed that 'Call' hasn't been assigned a hotkey. Calling too frequently is definitely a very common leak. You will find more players who call too often rather than fold too much. Generally, when you are facing the decision to call a bet, you need to think more than when you are raising or folding. Not having a Hotkey for Calling will bring the issue more to your awareness.
As you can see, in the 'Send Hotkeys to:' section, 'Table Under Mouse' and 'Bring to Foreground' have been selected and 'Active Window' has not been selected. The reason for this is that you want to have maximum certainty that the hotkey you press is for the right table. In 'Active Window' mode, any time it is your turn to act at a table, the 'Active Window' will bring that table up. The problem with this is that you could be pressing a hotkey for the last active table and just before you press it, a different table required an action, took control and you accidentally acted for the wrong table. Therefore, the best way to ensure that you are acting on the right tables is to have the table which the mouse is hovering over to be the one you are controlling.
'Bring to Foreground' has been selected in order to prevent confusion when you are overlapping tables because for example your screen is too small to tile 4 or more tables comfortably. It makes it very obvious which table has been selected when you see the target table is highlighted in green (or another bright colour)
During Gameplay, you can turn hotkeys on and off by clicking the little key icon on the top of the table.
A note of Caution: Using Hotkeys are very convenient but there are things to be aware of. I mentioned overcalling but another thing to look out for is misclicking. Misclicks will occur from time to time just as they would when using a mouse. Do not rush your decisions too much that a) you misclick and b) you give off a timing tell. I would not recommend, setting a hotkey for raising all in as it can be a very costly misclick. Assigning a hotkey to set betsize to all in is very different to assigning a hotkey to raising all in. Knowing that only one key can raise gives you a bit more safety against these mistakes.